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Rodrigo Méndez Rojano, Ph.D.

My main research interest is in the interaction of blood flows and medical devices. I am working as a postdoc with James F. Anataki. My main project is the modeling of thrombosis in blood flow regimes relevant for ventricular assist devices and blood oxygenators. I am also conducting microfluidic thrombosis experiments under high shear rate conditions that promote vWF unfolding. Before coming to Cornell I did my PhD in the University of Montpellier, France with Franck Nicoud and Simon Mendez, I was able to contribute to the first thrombosis solver integrated to the CFD YALES2BIO code. Before that, I did my masters project at the Centre of basic and applied research specialized in modelling and numerical simulation, CERFACS, performing DNS of the ignition process with the supervision of Bénédicte Cuenot. I did my undergrad in the National Autonomous University of Mexico, my thesis was about the Locomotion of microrobots in complex fluids in the Lab of Roberto Zenit. In my free time, I like to play football and practice rock climbing.